Monday, February 17, 2014

Over-sized Shirt Fix #2: Sleeveless Tshirt

   Supplies needed:
1 shirt
1 pair of scissors

A needle and thread or(and)a large quantity of safety pins

   Okay, here is my second way to re-size a shirt, though you're still going to have more or less a tshirt this time(unless you get creative, who knows, let the inspiration flow if you want).  You could theoretically use this as a guide to re-size another kind of shirt, though I haven't tried it myself yet.  If you're re-sizing a too big button down, though, I definitely recommend making it into a vest, because mine is really cool, and you can learn how to do that here.  

   Enough of my rambling, lets get down to business.  I am, and will always be a fan of the tshirt, even the baggiest one, but some things I prefer to fit my body a bit better.  Honestly, I wanted to do something new that I'd thought of, and mutilating this shirt seemed like a good idea since I had a terrible time at the concert, so here is my tutorial.

Now, this is about as T shaped as a tshirt can be, very straight, and it kind of smells like weird chemicals.
I'm going to keep the sides straight in my re-sizing, but if you would want to curve inwards to fit a female shape, more, go for it.

Realistically, I am cutting straight down the side, starting about an inch inwards from the seem on the shoulder.  I have my binder there as a straight line to help keep me honest with my cuts.
Caution: Before you dig in, you should put it on and pinch it as tight as you want it on the sides to get a good idea of how much you need to cut.

If you cut and it turns out a bit jagged, don't worry about it, it's not noticeable with any rout you're going to close up this side with.  If it is, well, that just makes it a little more rock & roll.

Oops, well, can't take it back now.

 If you feel you've mutilated your tshirt at this step, even if you don't finish this, make a pillow or something, don't worry about it.  When I first got into altering/making clothes, I'd panic certain points thinking "WHAT HAVE I DONE?"
So, your tshirt is badly wounded at this point, and the other side probably knows what's coming, so go ahead and slice the other one, too.

Your shirt should look something like this, more or less a double sided apron.  Now comes the fun part, closing up the sides.

Ugh, this concert was awful

Ok, now, there are a few ways you can go about closing this up: You can safety pin it until it sees jesus(picture below), you can sew it(what I'm doing) or you could lace it up(like in my vest tutorial I linked before).

The picture looks kinda funky because it was too dark in the original, so I ended up messing with it to make the details visible and the colors became real wonky.  You're done if this is the rout you're taking.

We're gonna sew up the sides now if you're still with me, remember to turn the shirt inside out(if you're an old pro with sewing, I apologize for restating that), and remember that you're gonna need to leave room for your arm at the top if you have arms, but I'd really like to see a video of feet sewing if that is the case, that sounds awesome.
Once you've done that, just repeat on the other side the same way, though be careful to have the arm holes the same size, it probably wouldn't be visible, but I think it would be bothersome.
I ended up using safety pins to hold the fabric in place while I was sewing, it's a bit harder without a sewing machine.

See, jagged edges aren't visible after you sew it up

All right,  Now that you've sewn up the sides, your shirt should look something like this.  Now, you can do anything you want with it at this point, but this is the end of our journey together.  I've taught you all I know.  You can cut the neck out of it, you can attack it with a pair of scissors, anything you want, go ahead.  I hope you liked your results.

I'm so sorry for the pictures

 I became quite carried away with paint.

All right, if you have any comments, questions or just want to talk about things, drop me a comment or email me at

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